BTS’s Jungkook And V Channel Their Inner “Vincenzo” During The Louis Vuitton Fashion Show, And ARMY Are Loving It

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BTS recently stunned fans worldwide when they took part in Louis Vuitton‘s Fall-Winter 2021 Show in Seoul. The members showcased their dazzling visuals in the brand’s newest range, and there was no denying that they slayed!

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Although all the members gained attention for their visuals, two, in particular, caught the eyes of fans for a different reason. Dressed to the nines in eye-catching suits, BTS’s youngest members V and Jungkook looked suave and sophisticated.

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However, it wasn’t just the duo’s dazzling visuals that fans noticed. Many took to social media comparing the two idols to Song Joong Ki‘s iconic character Vincenzo from the tvN series Vincenzo, and it’s hard not to see the resemblance! 

For Jungkook, fans used a black and white shot from the video and put it next to an image from the K-Drama that exuded the same mysterious and sleek vibes.

V looked cool, calm, and collected in a classic red and black combo during the event. ARMY knows that V has acting experience, but this took it to a whole new level. Armed with his unique Louis Vuitton coffee cup bag, every step V took had a purpose, and he looked like someone who could go up against Vincenzo.

With their charms, sophistication, and visuals, all of the BTS members would be a formidable match for Vincenzo, and he might have to watch his back! Make sure to watch the whole video below.


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