2PM’s Taecyeon Shares A Story Of When Sasaeng Fans Broke Into His Hotel Room —While He Was Naked

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2PM is back and while we are stoked for their grand comeback into the K-Pop world, we are also excited for all of their upcoming variety appearances. The variety show kings made a guest appearance on Knowing Bros as a full group and naturally, the episode was filled with hilarity and crazy stories.

And speaking of crazy stories, Taecyeon may have taken the cake with his.

2pm2PM on “Knowing Bros” | JTBC

The 2PM member briefly talked about his run-in with sasaeng fanswho are known for their obsessive, stalker-like behaviors. Taecyeon began his story by sharing that it all started when he was sleeping in his hotel room.

2pm| JTBC

I was sleeping in my hotel room when I heard the hotel card key being activated.

— 2PM’s Taecyeon

He then explained that the group was in Singapore at the time of the incident.

2pm| JTBC

We were in Singapore for a performance when this happened. I was sharing my hotel room with Chansung.

— 2PM Taecyeon

It was here that Taecyeon shared that because he was comfortable in his setting, he was completely in the nude when this happened!

2pm| JTBC

When Chansung and I sleep, we don’t wear anything and sleep comfortably. However, as I was sleeping, I heard the hotel card.

— 2PM’s Taecyeon

The 2PM member then shared his terrifying run-in with some saesang fans who entered their hotel room.

2pm| JTBC

I heard a female’s voice. There were about 5-6 of them who were giggling. So I just assumed that they were at the wrong room. But my heart was pounding at the time.

— 2PM’s Taecyeon

It was here that Taecyeon belatedly realized what was happening, after making eye contact with one of the female sasaeng fans.

2pm| JTBC

And then, I made eye contact with one of them.

— 2PM’s Taecyeon

The 2PM member hilariously confessed that due to the situation, he cursed out of shock.

2pm| JTBC

They were foreigners so I cursed in English. The girls cursed at me too.

— 2PM’s Taecyeon

Taecyeon concluded his story by sharing that the hotel reimbursed them for their troubles.

2pm| JTBC

They were sasaeng fans and not ghosts. We told the hotel about what happened and they apologized to us with a bottle of champagne. So we said ‘thank you’ by drinking it.

— 2PM’s Taecyeon

Whew, what a story. The Knowing Bros episode featuring 2PM was filled with endless laughter so be sure to check out the highlight reel down below!


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