Aespa’s Karina And Ningning Name Their Favorite Looks From Their “Next Level” Era

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aespa released “Next Level” in the month of May, and their comeback was a hit in terms of both music, as well as styling!

aespa 16aespa | SM Entertainment

Their AI-like visuals caught the attention of everyone as soon as the teasers were released, and many fans likened them to gorgeous game characters!

aespa 13| SM Entertainment

Recently, Dazed reached out to the members of aespa to ask them about their favorite outfits, and must-have fashion items!

aespa 2| @aespa_official/Instagram

Out of the 4, Karina and Ningning picked outfits from their “Next Level” comeback! Karina spoke about the black “military-style” outfits they had on for the MV shooting as well as a comeback stage, and talked about how much it was to her taste!

karina gorg 2| @aespa_official/Instagram

Out of all the stage outfits I wore so far, I especially liked the military style look for the “Next Level” music video shoot. Personally, I prefer clothes that are more muted and not too flamboyant – so dark-colored or just plain white pieces.

That being said, this stage outfit was right up my alley. The design is simple but the intricate detail and added glitter made the outfit more stylish.


karina gorg 1| @aespa_official/Instagram

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She also gave an idea about her casual wear preferences, referencing the plain white crop top and shorts she wore while creating Tiktok videos with their “Next Level” choreography!

As for my everyday look, I usually go for pieces that are simple but have accentuated details that make them unique. These days, with the weather getting hotter, I’ve been wearing a lot of crop tops.

For example, I really liked what I wore for the “Next Level” TikTok video, which was a plain white shirt with shorts and a cute hairpin to finish the whole look!


Screenshot (170)| @aespa_official/Instagram

Ningning also shared her favorite look from their “Next Level” comeback! She especially loved her all-black get-up seen in her teaser photos, and the jewels in her just cinched the whole look together!

For the ”Next Level” photoshoot, I felt very honored to have worked with my favourite photographer, Bryan Huynh, and stylist, Cece Liu, who put together this look for me in the photo. This is definitely one of my favourite looks so far!


ning teaser 7| SM Entertainment

ning teaser 5| SM Entertainment

Another favorite look that Ningning mentions is her outfit in the group teaser, where her long red hair is coiled in a bun and contrasts beautifully with the forest green dress and black cotton boots she has on!

I wore this gorgeous forest green dress with long space cotton boots, which made me feel like a lead female character in a sci-fi movie. The color green went really well with my bright red hair!

This look reminded me of the DC character Poison Ivy – very bubbly and eclectic.


aespa 11Ningning in the green dress (far left) | SM Entertainment

She also talks about their accessories, mentioning, in particular, the flower-shaped accessory for her ear!

The flower ear accessory I wore was actually from one of my favorite brands as well and I think it put the whole look together. Not only was it modern and chic but it went really well with the concept of our new single, “Next Level”.


When aespa made their comeback with “Next Level”, everything about it was, indeed, totally on the next level!

aespa 17| SM Entertainment


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