“Music Bank” Director Reveals How Waiting Rooms Are Allocated To K-Pop Artists

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Whether it is music shows, reality programs, or award ceremonies, fans always notice the differences in waiting rooms for each artist but not always in a positive way. Over the years, there have been discussions on the quality of waiting rooms. In some cases, fans have also discussed the unfairness of allocating rooms to idols.

Screenshot 2021-06-30 094028NCT DREAM in Music Bank waiting room | 채널 NCT DAILY/YouTube

The director of KBS‘s Music Bank, Han Kyuong Cheon, recently sat down for an interview and revealed some TMI (too much information) about how they create the show. Alongside whether artists can interact with each other, he spoke about how waiting rooms were allocated to each idol.

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The director of KBS‘s Music Bank, Han Kyuong Cheon, recently sat down for an interview and revealed some TMI (too much information) about creating the show. Alongside whether artists can interact with each other, he spoke about how waiting rooms are allocated to the idols.

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Han Kyuong Cheon explained that the size of the fitting rooms is fixed, and it is this quality that is the primary way to determine which idol has which room. If a group or artist has many members or backing dancers, these idols would be prioritized for the bigger spaces.

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The final thing is the ranking of seniority. In K-Pop, the idea of seniors and juniors is fundamental, and this seems to apply when it comes to the waiting rooms.

The artists who made their debut earlier are assigned first. This is followed by those who made their debut later.

— Han Kyuong Cheon

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It seems as if the process is much more complicated than first thought, and there are many stages of thought that going into allocating waiting rooms. You can watch the whole video below.


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