These Are The Least To Most Even Line Distributions For The 20 Most Popular K-Pop Girl Group Songs Of The First Half Of 2021

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We took a look at the least to most even line distributions from the top most-watched K-Pop boy group music videos from the first half of 2021, and there have been a ton of successful girl group comebacks that deserve to be recognized as well! From rookies to second-generation artists, many of these artists have been seeing record numbers in sales and streams. Here are the least to most even line distributions for the most popular girl group MVs in the first half of 2021.

“Chi Mat Ba Ram” by Brave Girls

meta-chart - 2021-06-26T204507.736

Difference between most & least lines: 40%

“Ponzona” by PURPLE KISS


Difference between most & least lines: 29.1%

“First” by EVERGLOW


Difference between most & least lines: 26.2%

“Where Are We Now” by MAMAMOO

meta-chart - 2021-06-26T205413.029

Difference between most & least lines: 25.2%

“HWAA” by (G)I-DLE


Difference between most & least lines: 24.8%

“Vanilla” by LIGHTSUM

meta-chart - 2021-06-26T204932.620

Difference between most & least lines: 21.5%

“After School” by Weeekly


Difference between most & least lines: 14.4%

“We Go” by fromis_9

we go

Difference between most & least lines: 13.8%

“Forever” by aespa


Difference between most & least lines: 13.8%



Difference between most & least lines: 12.9%

“Next Level” by aespa


Difference between most & least lines: 11.8%

“Kura Kura” by TWICE


Difference between most & least lines: 11.6%

“Alcohol-Free” by TWICE

meta-chart - 2021-06-26T204237.938

Difference between most & least lines: 11.1%


meta-chart - 2021-06-26T205225.231

Difference between most & least lines: 10.9%

“Dun Dun Dance” by OH MY GIRL


Difference between most & least lines: 10.6%

“Ring Ring” by Rocket Punch


Difference between most & least lines: 10.2%

“Wrap Me In Plastic” by MOMOLAND


Difference between most & least lines: 10%

“Odd Eye” by Dreamcatcher


Difference between most & least lines: 8.8%

“Unnatural” by Cosmic Girls


Difference between most & least lines: 8%

“Mafia in the Morning” by ITZY


Difference between most & least lines: 6.3%


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