GOT7’s Members Can’t Stop Introducing Themselves As GOT7 Even While Promoting As Solo Artists, And It’s The Best Thing Ever

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Since GOT7 left JYP Entertainment, the members have emphasized that they have not disbanded and plan to come back together. However, at this time, they want to explore some solo projects.

Jinyoung and Youngjae both have been exploring more acting opportunities. Meanwhile, Jay B, Mark, Yugyeom, Jackson, and BamBam have been working on music. Most recently, BamBam and Yugyeom both released their first solo albums during the same week, giving them many opportunities for interactions.

Even during their solo stages, they did matching ending fairies. One night, they both did the GOT7 hand sign!

Youngjae also did the hand sign at the end of a recent performance for the musical Midnight Sun. Likewise, BamBam always stays representing.

BamBam and Yugyeom have also been doing interviews together quite often, and, of course, they introduce themselves together as GOT7’s Yugyeom and BamBam! Ahgases can’t get enough of these two and their interactions.

Even Youngjae is so used to introducing himself with GOT7. In a new promotion for his Korean sitcom from tvN and Netflix, So Not Worth It, he introduced himself not as the actor Youngjae but as GOT7’s Youngjae and confessed that he was so used to introducing himself along with the rest of the members.

Youngjae even revealed recently that he asked the production designers of So Not Worth It to decorate his character Sam’s room with birds to reference GOT7’s fandom Ahgase (translating to “baby bird”). Figurines and plushes of birds can be found throughout his room, including on his bed and desk.

so not worth it

Even during solo projects, the members always emphasize remind the world that GOT7 is forever! Yesterday, Youngjae and BamBam appeared together on Idol Live School, giving us, even more, group interactions.

GOT7 is definitely here to stay!


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