Han Ye Seul To Officially Take Legal Action Against “Garo Sero” Reporter Kim Yong Ho

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Actress Han Ye Seul has responded to Garo Sero Institute‘s Kim Yong Ho once again but this time, she is taking a stronger approach. The actress recently posted a very sarcastic Instagram story, addressing Kim Yong Ho’s newest allegations made against her. In another retaliation attempt, she uploaded this photo with the caption,

han ye seul| @han_ye_seul_/Instagram

Kim Yong Ho-sshi, ready for a second round? Are you going to finish me off for good? I’m getting sick of waiting.

— Han Ye Seul @han_ye_seul_/Instagram

kim yong ho“Garo Sero Institute” reporter Kim Yong Ho | YouTube

However, in the midst of the continuing back and forth between the actress and Kim Yong Ho, Han Ye Seul has officially decided that she has had enough. On June 21, Han Ye Seul’s legal representative stepped forward with an official statement regarding their stance on Garo Sero Institute‘s and Kim Yong Ho’s slander.

hysActress Han Ye Seul.

According to Sports Khan, Han Ye Seul’s legal representative stated that they “plan to file a legal complaint for defamation against Kim Yong Ho’s YouTube channel, as well as other channels that spread false information.” Along with their statement, they also released a personal statement from Han Ye Seul herself regarding the ongoing legal dispute. You can read her full statement down below.

Hello this is Han Ye Seul.

The more I say, the more these videos begin to make headlines with such falsified statements and provocative rumors that shouldn’t be uttered. I decided to reveal my honest heart as I continued to watch the ongoing slander. It’s true that my current boyfriend is an employee of my business. He is someone I trust and he wanted to help me with my business so I offered him employment.

While the car I purchased was under the name of the corporation, there is no proof that the expenses were considered tax evasion. The cost of my car is not one that can be processed as such.

Also, I’m not sure how, but classified contracts have been getting leaked. This is something that we will definitely check out in court.

Room salons, drugs, and now tax evasion…

As a woman, there have been so many shameful and cursed words associated with my name that will follow me for the rest of my life. No one will take responsibility for my future, where I will have to live as a criminal. I’m aware that I could suffer more damage than I have experienced thus far, and I know that I may endure even more hardships. However, I will not remain silent in the face of the shocking reality of our society that continues to allow these things to happen.

Is it okay to write on a random ‘tip’ made by an alleged informant that hasn’t been verified? Who has the right to proudly trample on someone’s life like that?

So many people have suffered and become victims to these situations, yet we still allow them to happen. It’s deplorable that these situations are supported rather than punished.

I’m not sure if my ‘cool’ ways of brushing over the allegations were seen as acknowledgements, but I’m no longer going to remain ‘cool’ about the situation. It may be a reckless decision, but I will continue to fight —  for my fans who have been supporting me, my team members who have worked with me, and for all the people I love.

Lastly, as human Han Ye Seul, I earnestly ask for the reporters and everyone who is keeping an eye on this case to be patient so that I don’t give up in the midst of all the painful hardships. I ask that everyone waits for the court’s results and to believe in them.

And as actress Han Ye Seul, I promise to repay all of the love and support I received through even more active promotions.

— Han Ye Seul


Kim Yong Ho and Garo Sero Institute previously made numerous claims targeting Han Ye Seul, as they alleged that her boyfriend was a male escort, that she was once a prostitute, and that she was involved in the Burning Sun scandal. The reporter has been hounding Han Ye Seul for the past few weeks, as constant new rumors continued to make headlines. And while the actress retaliated several times, with one of the most recent being an explosive tell-all video, Han Ye Seul decided it was time to take legal action.

Stay tuned for more updates.


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