ASTRO’s Cha Eunwoo Has A Nice Butt… And It Once Saved Him From Serious Danger

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Before we dive in any further, let us first admire ASTRO Cha Eunwoo‘s physique —  sculpted to absolute perfection, like his equally flawless face. Oh, he’s gorgeous. There’s no doubt about it.

cha3ASTRO’s Cha Eunwoo | @fantagiogroup/Twitter

Yet even he has an insecurity: His butt. Yes, his butt.

As revealed in one of the 2019 episodes of Knowing Bros, Cha Eunwoo said he has an “ori-goongdengi,” or — in direct translation — a “duck butt.”Though nicknamed with all the affection, Cha Eunwoo said his “duck butt,” or fluffier butt, used to make him self conscious. That is, until it saved him from one dangerous accident.


Cha Eunwoo recalled, “It happened while shooting a music video.” For the final scene of the music video, ASTRO members had to leap and land on a set built for that specific ending. Unfortunately, it became tricky for all six members to land at the same time — and after what is assumed to be multiple attempts, the set ended up collapsing beneath their feet.

Landing that fall on his bum, Cha Eunwoo said he felt something stab, but then he was able to get up without too much trouble. It was only when his teammates pointed out that he’s bleeding from his butt that he realized he had crashed onto a protruding nail from the set!

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Cha Eunwoo rushed to the hospital with his manager to seek treatment. The doctor, who came to check out the wound, glanced over the heap of butt on Cha Eunwoo’s rear end and said he couldn’t have been luckier! Fortunately(?) enough, his butt — said to be “on the larger size,” according to the idol himself — provided the much needed support to cushion the fall.

You’re lucky you have a big butt. The wound itself is deep, but since your butt has a lot of fat, the nail didn’t pierce far enough to reach any bones, muscles, or nerves.

— Doctor

So while stab wounds as deep as the one he suffered would usually require stitches, Cha Eunwoo was able to skip the complicated procedures… and simply return home after getting a tetanus shot!


Now, that is all the more reason to appreciate the fluffiness on Cha Eunwoo! Thanks, butt, for both the thicc-ness and the protecc-ion! ????


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