Yoo Jae Suk’s Stylist Of 7 Years Dishes On What It’s Really Like To Work For Him

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Yoo Jae Suk, the nation’s MC, is known for his kindhearted and generous nature. His good deeds are always talked about within the entertainment industry, as dozens of people vouch for his kind personality. And as the amazing stories pile up in favor of Yoo Jae Suk, his very own stylist has stepped forward to personally share what it’s like to work for him.

sbsComedian Yoo Jae Suk | SBS

Lee Joo Eun, who has been Yoo Jae Suk’s stylist for the past 7 years, recently appeared on At Work Today and it was during her time on the show that she revealed her daily work lifestyle.

mbcStylist Lee Joo Eun | MBC

Lee Joo Eun first shared her impressive clientele list, which includes Yoo Jae Suk, Noh Hong ChulJung Hyung Don, and Kim Hae Jun.

at work today| MBC

The artists that I am in charge of are Yoo Jae Suk-oppa, whom I’ve been working with for 7 years, Noh Hong Chul-oppa for 2 years, Jung Hyung Don-oppa for 1 year and Kim Hae Jun-oppa for 1 week.

— Lee Joo Eun

It was here that she confessed that because of Yoo Jae Suk’s constant character transformations on his different programs, her workload increased significantly.

mbcA look at Yoo Jae Suk’s many characters | MBC

We used to do more casual outfits, but recently, the number of characters he’s been doing increased so the workload has also increased. It makes me excited for his next concept, but I also get worried.

— Lee Joo Eun

However, Lee Joo Eun revealed that working for Yoo Jae Suk is incredible due to his funny, but kind personality.

mbc| MBC

He’s usually such a jokester so he makes the work environment fun because he brings so much laughter.

— Lee Joo Eun

She also discussed the amazing benefits and welfare of her company that Yoo Jae Suk provides for her.

at work today| MBC

Our company’s welfare is really good. He gives us vacation bonuses if we go on vacation, holiday bonuses for the holidays, and for the end-of-the-year, we get yearly bonuses.

— Lee Joo Eun

And while she confessed that she works late nights and even on the weekends, she still expressed how much she loved her job and what she does!

at work today| MBC

I am 1000% satisfied with my work. There are times when I work late and there aren’t dedicated days off for this job since I work on the weekends, but I feel proud when I dress my clients. I work with so much satisfaction.

— Lee Joo Eun

Lee Joo Eun concluded her time on At Work Today by sharing her adorable career goals.

at work today| MBC

My goal is to work with my oppas until the day they retire!

— Lee Joo Eun

We are not surprised with Yoo Jae Suk’s off-camera personality, nor are we surprised to hear that he takes amazing care of his staff. You can take watch the entire segment featuring Yoo Jae Suk’s stylist down below!


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