Here Are HD Photos Of BTS From 2021 Muster “Sowoozoo” That Will Make You Feel Like You Were Really There

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While ARMYs are missing concerts (and many Map Of The Soul World Tour tickets are still being held hostage by Ticketmaster), BTS attempted to virtually give them an authentic concert experience.

To conclude their FESTA celebrations for their 8th anniversary, BTS held 2021 Muster Sowoozoo, a two-day concert event. It included a beautiful stage, several favorite songs performed, fireworks, and a multi-cam option when live streaming. If that was not enough to make you feel like you were truly at a BTS concert, rose⁷ (@kookieslilsmile on Twitter) has compiled some photos from the event. The photos are edited by ARMYS to a high quality that will literally make you feel like you really saw BTS in person.

Here are HD photos of each member from 2021 Muster Sowoozoo

1. RM

rm hd

rm hd2

rm hd3

rm hd4

rm hd5

rm hd6

rm hd7

rm hd8

rm hd9

rm hd10

rm hd11

rm hd12

rm hd13

rm hd14

2. Jin

jin hd 32

jin hd 33

jin hd laugh

jin hd2

jin hd3

jin hd4

jin hd5

jin hd6

jin hd7

jin hd8

jin hd9

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jin hd11

jin hd12

jin hd13

jin hd14

jin hd15

jin hd16

jin hd17

jin hd18

jin hd19

jin hd20

jin hd21

jin hd22

jin hd23

jin hd24

jin hd26

jin hd27

jin hd28

jin hd29

jin hd30

3. Suga

hd suga1

hd suga2

hd suga3

hd suga4


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