Korean Netizens Appalled At The Type Of House One Can Rent In Apgujeong For $670

컨텐츠 정보


As housing prices in Seoul can vary with the location, how old the building is, facilities, size, and deposit money, a safe bet for an average rent (inclusive of maintenance fees) on a one-room studio apartment in Seoul is about $500 USD per month, give or take. While newer buildings with security and lifts may cost up to $650 USD in rent, you may find steals in simpler buildings for about $400 USD as well.

Apgujeong, being one of the most expensive areas in Seoul to live in, may cost between $600 to $700 for a swanky officetel (studio apartment), assuming a $10,000 deposit. A real estate variety show, Where Is My Home, showed viewers a two-storey unit located in the center of Apgujeong that went for about $670 USD.

Screenshot 2021-06-14 at 1.35.30 PM

Located five minutes from the station and on the top floor of a modern building, the hosts were amazed that you could find a two-storey unit for that price.

Screenshot 2021-06-14 at 1.35.37 PM

However, the reason was soon revealed when they entered the home. The home was clean and bright, with lots of sunlight coming in.

Screenshot 2021-06-14 at 1.35.42 PM

However, the space was narrow and long. Furthermore, one of the walls was slanted due to the roof structure.

Screenshot 2021-06-14 at 1.35.48 PM

The low roof means that space is then limited.

Screenshot 2021-06-14 at 1.35.54 PM

You could opt to put a bench under a window, but it was likely that your back would hurt.

Screenshot 2021-06-14 at 1.36.02 PM

A mattress was recommended instead.

Screenshot 2021-06-14 at 1.36.22 PM

Storage options are limited as well due to the low roof. Tall shelves are out of the question.

Screenshot 2021-06-14 at 1.36.09 PM

Although the apartment comes with a washer, fridge and microwave, there is no stove unit. Instead, you are provided with an induction cooker.

Screenshot 2021-06-14 at 1.36.15 PM

The washroom is clean and modern, with an all-white interior.

Screenshot 2021-06-14 at 1.36.49 PM

However, the shower booth is located on the other side of the apartment in a separate area.

Screenshot 2021-06-14 at 1.36.57 PM

A two-storey unit you said? The hosts climbed up the stair in search of the upper floor.

Screenshot 2021-06-14 at 1.37.03 PM

The space was so narrow, it was practically a corridor. What could you put in it?

Screenshot 2021-06-14 at 1.37.09 PM

Many netizens were appalled at the state of the house.

  • “It looks more like a utilities area.”
  • “Seems like they just had some extra utilities space at the top of the building and decided to rent it out for money.”
  • “You would get claustrophobia after living there.”
  • “$670 for that? No way. Even if it’s in Apgujeong, there has to be more livable options.”
  • “For $670 you could get a regular studio apartment easily.”

“They have no conscience.”

On the other hand, a minority of the comments felt that $670 was reasonable given the location and space. Although it has low roofs and a narrow build, the space is comparable in terms of area.

What do you think?


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