8 Groups Who Actually Sang Live In Their Dance Practices

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In general, dance practice videos are only meant to show off choreography skills. These eight groups, however, went one step further by actually singing live while dancing.


MAMAMOO sang live in the dance practice for their Immortal Songs cover of Kim Soo Hee‘s “Passion Flower”, as shown in this MMMTV episode. While the beginning of the song is spent relatively still, the members’ vocals don’t falter even when they start moving energetically.


ITZY sang live in this dance practice for “Not Shy.” ITZY may be primarily known as a dance-focused group, but this video proves they excel at all aspects of stage performance.

3. Stray Kids

Stray Kids sang live in this dance practice for their The Fact Music Awards rendition of “God’s Menu,” showing just how much effort went into this incredible performance.

4. 2NE1

2NE1 sang live in this dance practice for “Do You Love Me,” among others. It may have been four years since the group release their last song, but skills like this are why they’ll never be forgotten.

5. Cherry Bullet

Cherry Bullet sang live in this dance practice for their cover of Girls’ Generation‘s “Into the New World.” It can’t be easy to sing your own songs live in a dance practice, so kudos to Cherry Bullet on acing a cover this week.


INFINITE sang live in this dance practice for “She’s Back.” Their vocals are so on-point, many fans mistook their live singing for the backing track at first.


TRI.BE sang live in the dance practices for both of their songs, including “DOOM DOOM TA.” Despite the high energy needed for this choreography, TRI.BE’s voices stayed stable without wavering throughout


MCND sang live in the dance practices for both of their most recent songs, including “nanana.” Given how they never stop moving during this performance, it’s amazing they pulled off these vocals so perfectly.


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