TWICE Shows Off Just How Petite They Are By Wearing These Scarves As Skirts And Tops

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TWICE‘s recent comeback “Alcohol-Free” features tropical vibes, love-struck lyrics, and killer outfits. However, fans might never guess that majority of their outfits are actually just scarves!

sanaSana | @twicewear/Instagram

Stunning Hermes and Versace silk scarves are utilized as both tube tops…

E27-RGGVkAQIAi7Jihyo | @twicewear/Instagram

…and strategically turned into halter tops. However, that’s not all: Some members are even rocking the gorgeous silk scarves as skirts.

E27_CWXUUAIXaAFChaeyoung | @twicewear/Instagram

Crazily enough, some members’ entire outfits are comprised of two silk scarves — one for a top and one for a skirt!

194453194_343585397116365_9033717358056796565_nJihyo | @twicewear/Instagram

The glamorous scarves range from around $300 to over $1100…

194298084_479206910031632_2189602311269200142_nChaeyoung | @twicewear/Instagram

…so if you want to cop the stunning look for yourself, you’ll need to throw down some cash!

194784632_1155206288312271_2679015810485887296_nMomo | @twicewear/Instagram

Turning scarves into articles of clothing is not only multi-functional, but also creates a totally unique and luxurious look.

198217906_326780728836621_1670347652005917126_nNayeon | @twicewear/Instagram

Pencil skirts, skater skirts, bandeaus, halter tops — The options are endless!

198803398_338083061004292_977676509256624647_nJeongyeon | @twicewear/Instagram

Check out the innovative looks in action below in the “Alcohol-Free” music video.


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