Korean Netizens Fall In Love With Stray Kids’ Bang Chan And His Response To A Question About Periods

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An old video of Stray Kids member Bang Chan has been making headlines on numerous different Korean media websites for his sweet personality. Back in July of 2020, Bang Chan held a V Live session for his fans and during that particular session, a foreign female fan asked him what she should do about her period. While he looked a tad uncomfortable about the question in the beginning, Bang Chan’s response has been making waves amongst Korean online communities for his sweet and thoughtful answer.

For those people who are on that day, it’s always good to keep your stomach warm, umm have some sweets and some chocolate umm…watch a movie umm and I heard that helps with the pain going away.

— Stray Kids Bang Chan on V Live

Bang Chan has a younger sister, which fans speculated may be the reason why the Stray Kids member was so well informed about these period remedies! Regardless of the reason behind his knowledge, Korean fans have deeply fallen in love and seem to be struggling to get out. The video may be older, but that didn’t stop netizens from expressing their adoration and love for Bang Chan.

comments| Nate Pann

  • “Oh my god…I can’t.”
  • “Wait what, you’re supposed to make me like you, not make me want to marry you, what am I supposed to do?”
  • “For those of you talking about marriage, how many times do I need to tell you that I won’t allow it.”
  • “We’re the same age, but can I call you oppaOppaaaaaaa!!
  • Bang Chan is such a tease. He flirts with me, but won’t marry me…so rude. If you keep doing this to me, I will just take you for myself.”

bc2Stray Kids member, Bang Chan | To: HAN

Oh Bang Chan, you don’t even know the chaos you have created!

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In related news, Stray Kids recently concluded their time on Kingdom: Legendary War and made headlines for their final ranking on the show.


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