10 Times Suga Proved He’s The Most Practical Person On The Planet

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Some people are idealists, who look at the world through rose-colored glasses. BTS‘s Suga is not one of those people. Here are 10 times his ultra-logical mind made him the most practical person ever!

1. When he talked about NASA’s “Moon Tunes” project…

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2. …and answered this interview question

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Question: “How have you changed as a band since the start, since 2013 2 Cool 4 Skool?”. Suga’s answer: “Age.”

3. When he picked the most expensive “dream home” just so he could sell it

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4. When he gave this reason for returning to Korea

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5. When he criticized this VR game’s realism

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6. Even hypothetical water must be filtered

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7. His most prized possession

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Question: “What is your most prized possession?” Suga’s answer: “Money.”

8. When he shot down V’s sports’ star dreams

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9. BTS vs Noise Complaints

10. When he tried to add real-world problems to this fictional story


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