Here Are 9 Idol Groups’ Fanclub Names And The Deep Meanings Behind Them

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The names of a K-Pop group are definitely important, but the names of their fanclub groups are also a huge part of a group’s career. Our favorite K-Pop idols oftentimes interact with their fans and usually, the name of their fans have a deep meaning behind them. So let’s take a look at 9 idol groups who have amazing fanclub names.

1. BTOB — Melody

btobBTOB | @dalgona.official/Instagram

While this list is in no particular order, we have the boy group BTOB up first. The group’s name is an acronym that stands for Born to Beat. Since the group’s name makes a reference to music, the BTOB’s official fanclub name became Melody. Since both a beat and a melody are needed to create music, it means that BTOB needs their Melodys to create music. How adorable!


seventeeSEVENTEEN | @dalgona.official/Instagram

Next up on our list is the talented boy group SEVENTEEN. The fans got to pick their own fanclub name, which officially became CARAT. The meaning behind CARAT was explained by SEVENTEEN’s leader S. Coups during one of their concerts, where he shared that their fans would be called CARATs because, “You guys make us shine so bright. So you guys will be be our CARAT.”


omgOH MY GIRL | @dalgona.official/Instagram

OH MY GIRL is the first girl group on the list and their fans are referred to as MIRACLEs. The simple, but adorable reason behind the name MIRACLE was shared by one of the members, Seunghee. She explained that it originated from one of our songs ‘B612.’ There’s a part in the lyrics where it says, ‘It is like a miracle that you love me’. And like the lyrics state, it’s like a miracle that OH MY GIRL got to meet our fans.”

4. SHINee — Shawol

shineeSHINee | @dalgona.official/Instagram

Veteran boy group SHINee makes it onto Dalgona‘s fanclub list. SHINee fans are referred to as Shawols and the reason is pretty cool. Their official fanclub name is listed as SHINee World, which is named after the boy group’s first official album. Shawol is derived from the first syllable in SHINee (sha in Korean) and the first syllable in World (wol in Korean.) Simple, yet incredibly effective!

5. Red Velvet — ReVeluv

red velvetRed Velvet | @dalgona.official/Instagram

Another SM Entertainment group makes it onto this list and it is none other than Red Velvet. While at first glance, you may not understand its meaning, but with a little more digging, it actually makes a lot of sense! ReVeluv takes Re from “Red” and Ve from “Velvet,” while the word luv just means love! However, when pronounced in Korean, it also sounds like “level up,” which is another cute little bonus.

6. DAY6 — My Day

day6DAY6 | @dalgona.official/Instagram

DAY6‘s fanclub, My Day was also voted for by the fans, which makes the name that much more meaningful. The meaning behind the name was also inspired from one of the group’s songs with the same title. The song talks about being the source of energy to fill up someone’s day, which is why this became the name of the boy group’s fanclub. DAY6 and My Day will fulfill each other’s energies!


itzyITZY | @dalgona.official/Instagram

In English, ITZY‘s fanclub name MIDZY may not seem meaningful, especially to those who are not familiar with the Korean language. However, not only is the fanclub name paralleling the group name with the ending of -ZY but also, the definition of the word means “to trust!” It is believed that the fanclub is a shoutout to the mutual trust that MIDZYs and the members of ITZY have for one another.


btsBTS | @dalgona.official/Instagram

Would this list be complete without the boys of BTS and their famous ARMYs? BTS is an acronym that stands for Bangtan Sonyeondan, which translates to Bulletproof Boyscouts in English. This inspired their fanclub name ARMY. ARMY is also an acronym, which stands for Adorable Representative M.C. for Youth. However, ARMY also parallels the boy group’s “bulletproof (body armor)” title, since armies and body armor are always together. It means that the fans and the BTS boys will there for each other always.

9. IU — Uaena

iuIU | @dalgona.official/Instagram

Last, but most certainly not least is IU and her fans, Uaenas. IU’s fanclub has quite an endearing meaning behind it. The “U” stands for the English word you, “ae” means love in Sino-Korean or more commonly referred to as hanja, and lastly “na” means me in Korean. So taking that into context, her fans are called Uaenas, which means “you love me,” which is absolutely adorable!


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