Haseul Returns To LOONA In New Comeback Teaser For The First Time Since 18-Month Hiatus

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For the first time since LOONA‘s Haseul took a mental health hiatus almost 18 months ago, the leader and vocalist has finally returned to Orbits in a new teaser for the group’s new album.

Back in January 2020, BlockBerry Creative sadly revealed to fans that Haseul had been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. In their statement, the company announced that Haseul would thus be taking a hiatus after her doctor recommended that she undergo mental health treatment in order to recover well.


While several hints in teasers for LOONA’s last album, [12:00], made Orbits think Haseul may be returning, BlockBerry Creative announced ahead of the comeback’s release that Haseul would still be unable to participate due to her mental health. Up until now, the last title track that Haseul participated in was “Butterfly,” released over two years ago.


Haseul has continued her treatment, rest, and career hiatus since last January, with the company sharing that she was spending time with her family and fellow LOONA members to recuperate her wellbeing. In the meantime, LOONA has promoted as an 11-member group.

haseulback_3| BlockBerry Creative

But now, it seems that Haseul is finally ready to make her grand return. Fans had an inkling that she may be part of LOONA’s next comeback after hearing confirmation that she was living in the group’s dorm again and attending practices…

…but nothing could prepare Orbits for the feeling of finally seeing a glimpse of Haseul’s face again in the first group teaser for LOONA’s new album, &.

haseulback_4| @loonatheworld/Twitter

The group teaser shows the eyes of all 12 members, with Haseul’s pretty brown eye sitting in the middle of the top row. On top of that, her name appeared in the group’s lineup written at the top of the teaser poster.

haseulback_5| @loonatheworld/Twitter

Unsurprisingly, fans are ecstatic to finally get confirmation of Haseul’s return. Within minutes, “OT12” and “HASEUL IS BACK” both began trending on Twitter worldwide.

Sentiments across social media are ranging from disbelief…

… to pure joy and love for LOONA’s star vocalist.

Alongside celebrating her return, many fans were very happy to learn that Haseul has now recovered from her anxiety and recuperated her health enough to participate in LOONA activities again.

Now, fans are waiting with bated breath to finally see Haseul’s first full teaser in the lead up to the release of &&, along with the album’s currently unnamed title track, will release on June 28, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. Korean standard time.


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