4 Times BLACKPINK Forgot That They’re Rich AF

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While BLACKPINK is one of the most popular artists globally, the members have had moments where they might have forgotten that they are rich. Here are 4 of these moments.

1. Jisoo’s phrase when going shopping

When BLACKPINK was in Lisa‘s hometown in Thailand, Lisa taught them some phrases, and Jisoo used one phrase quite often!

jisooBLACKPINK’s Jisoo

Lisa taught the members several phrases in Thai, and one that stuck with Jisoo was “I don’t have money.”

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When the members were out shopping, Jisoo hilariously said this phrase multiple times!

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Here’s the full video below!

2. Jennie eating expired sweetened condensed milk

Jennie’s mother didn’t let something being expired stop Jennie from eating!

jennieBLACKPINK’s Jennie

Jennie once had strawberries with expired sweetened condensed milk. Jennie’s mother, who was shooting the video, told her that the sweetened condensed milk was still good to eat!

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Jennie listened to her mother, and she said that the sweetened condensed milk didn’t taste bad.

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Here’s the full video below!

3. Rosé shocked at her data usage

Rosé got quite shocked when she was doing an Instagram live!

roseBLACKPINK’s Rosé

Midway through the broadcast, Rosé noticed that she was using cellular data rather than her home internet!

It says I’ve already used up 50% of my data. I was using my data this whole time.

— Rosé

b1| @roses_are_rosie/Instagram

Rosé then showed some “concern.”

Does that mean my data’s going to slow down?

— Rosé

b2| @roses_are_rosie/Instagram

Rosé, however, quickly realized that the month was almost over and that her data capacity would be recharged soon!

The month is almost over. Phew, there’s only a few days left since this month is almost over.

— Rosé

4. Asking for a discount

In an episode of BLACKPINK HOUSE, the members hilariously asked for a discount when they were shopping!

lisa3BLACKPINK’s Lisa

The members were shopping for household goods, and the total was $700 USD.

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This surprised the members, and they decided to ask for a discount hilariously.

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They tried to charm the workers by smiling at them and complimenting them.

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The members also tried to make them laugh, as Lisa did a humorful dance in front of the workers.

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Lisa then asked a worker if they could get a discount, which caused him to smile!

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The members were then told that instead of a discount, they would each be given a pouch as a gift.

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The members were pleased and thankful for this!

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Here’s the full video below!


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