Jessi And Red Velvet’s Joy Reveal They Suffer From Sleep Paralysis—Here’s What They Experience

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Recently, Red Velvet‘s Joy guested on Showterview With Jessi.

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At the start of the episode, Joy and Jessi discovered that they both suffer from sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis is a temporary inability to move that occurs right after a person falls asleep. Oftentimes, people describe seeing and hearing ghosts.

Sleep Paralysis| Cleveland Clinic

Jessi revealed that she suffered from sleep paralysis just the night before. The moment she saw a ghost beside her, she didn’t hesitate to curse at them!

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I had a nightmare last night! I got paralyzed last night. I found a ghost next to me, so I was like, ‘You f*cker!‘ But I had sleep paralysis.

— Jessi

Joy couldn’t believe her ears. Just like Jessi, she also experienced sleep paralysis the night before. She explained that she hears “weird things” when it happens.

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Oh my gosh, I did too last night! I haven’t had it in a while. I hear weird things. I hear things when I have sleep paralysis.

— Joy

With concern written all over her face, Jessi asked, “Then what do you do?

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Joy calmly described how she tries her best to wake up by writhing her body around. She admitted that it is a very “scary” experience, and it was unfortunately the scariest that night.

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I just writhe myself to wake up. It’s so scary. It was the worst last night.

— Joy

Hopefully, they don’t experience sleep paralysis again! Hear more stories from Joy in the full episode below.


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