GOT7 Steps Up To Arrange The Funeral Of Fan Who Tragically Passed Away In Thailand’s Shooting Incident

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According to Thai media reports on October 13, K-Pop boy group GOT7 extended a heartfelt gesture to the family of a deceased fan by offering to arrange for her funeral.

download - 2023-10-15T013004.948GOT7 | Warner Music Korea

The fan, Ms. A, tragically lost her life in a shooting incident at the Siam Paragon shopping center. She was one of the two casualties. Three other injured victims are still reportedly hospitalized.

While Ms. A was hospitalized after the shooting, the members of GOT7, as well as the family members of BamBam, sent her flowers, gifts, and their best wishes. However, she passed away at the hospital in the early hours of October 13.

download - 2023-10-15T011331.469BamBam of GOT7

Thai media reported that after Ms. A’s passing, GOT7 members reached out to her family and expressed their wish to oversee her funeral. BamBam also suggested covering the entire cost of the funeral. Ms. A’s funeral will occur from October 15 to October 17 in her hometown, Nonthaburi.

Ms. A was three months into her job at a cafe in Siam Paragon when this unfortunate incident claimed her life. She was said to be on her break, planning to use the restroom when she came face to face with the shooter. She had to be resuscitated by doctors and was put on life support. Ms. A had reportedly expressed her wish to be an organ donor a few years ago, but her injuries were so extensive that her wish couldn’t be honored.

download - 2023-10-15T011040.969Ms. A’s pictures as reported in the media

While Ahgases (GOT7’s fanbase) are deeply saddened by Ms. A’s passing, GOT7’s heartfelt gesture toward her has touched the hearts of all K-Pop fans.


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