CL’s Father Reveals Why He Never Questioned Her When She Decided To Drop Out Of High School

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CL and her dad showed off their tight bond, and netizens can’t help but smile at how close they are!

cl dad 1CL’s father Lee Ki Jin (left) and CL (right)

Recently on tvN’s Yoo Quiz On The Block, CL’s father, professor Lee Ki Jin made a guest appearance, where he talked about his daughter!He shared stories about CL, and revealed that when CL was in high school, she expressed her position on quitting school. He also shared how he gave his support by simply respecting her decision, as she must have thought about it for a long time.

We were both in the car driving when she told me that she wanted to quit school. And at that moment, I felt that I shouldn’t ask her why. She must’ve thought long and hard about it before making a decision.

I told her, “Okay, let’s not talk about it anymore. You do whatever you want.”

—Lee Ki Jin

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Host Yoo Jae Suk asked him why he didn’t ask her to explain herself, and Lee Ki Jin shared his reasons behind why he didn’t question her decision!

If I asked her that we might end up saying things that we shouldn’t say so I felt like it wasn’t really necessary to ask.

—Lee Ki Jin

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And soon, CL herself made an appearance in the interview video, talking about her father, and talked about their close relationship!

I slept at 3-4 AM every day due to school and practice for almost a year. I knew that my dad wouldn’t say no so I just asked casually. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him say no to anything.

I’ve always been good friends with my parents. My dad is Lee Ki Jin before he is my father.


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Her father agreed, saying that CL was not only his daughter but also his good friend!

We match well with each other and she has a healthy mindset. She is my reassuring daughter and amazing friend.

—Lee Ki Jin

Netizens that saw this couldn’t help but smile at their relationship.

  • “He is such a cool dad.”
  • “It’s because of a dad like this that CL has become so great.”
  • “It’s great to see parents like this who see their children as individual beings.”

CL has such a supportive dad!

cl dad 2


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