SHINee’s Taemin Shares His Thoughts On Experimenting For His New Album, “Advice”

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With SHINee Taemin‘s recent album Advice, he has provided fans with a goodbye before enlistment. It is already rising in streams, views, and sales as his fans can’t get enough of the amazing sound.

E1qTPlWVcAQY3cR| @SHINee/Twitter

The title song “Advice” is an outstanding R&B song with cynical lyrics, adding to Taemin’s increasingly “dark charisma.” With all of the hype and expectations around this new album, Taemin sat down for a short interview to share more about it.

Q: After starting the year with SHINee’s activities, you’ve been working hard. How do you feel about coming back with your solo album?

I can’t feel it. After SHINee’s promotions, we’ve been preparing for our solo albums as well as our performances. It doesn’t feel like I’m making a comeback, but it’s good to see my fans often.



Q: How would you describe the title track, “Advice?” You tried out “singing rap” [a technique often used in R&B]. How did you feel about it?

I think it’s a song where you can see my unique character. It was difficult because my mouth couldn’t move fast when I recorded the singing rap, but I think I’ll be able to show you a new side of me.


E1U-GR8VcAUhc_n| @SHINee/Twitter

Q: What is the point [significant] choreography for “Advice?”

I think it would be good for fans to see the stage and choose the point dance themselves. We’ll be promoting on music shows starting from the 20th, so please look forward to it.


E1QNeNtVoAA5Kt7| @SHINee/Twitter

Q: What concept did you want to show for this album?

I wanted to do a lot of things I haven’t tried in this album. I tried to give an experimental feeling from styling such as hair extensions and accessories.


E1KVzZqVoAMGUtaegy| @SHINee/Twitter

Q: How did you feel working with Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon on the song “If I could tell you?”

The company suggested that we should sing together and I wanted to, too. Sunbae, I’m so thankful that you participated in the album. I hope many people listen to it.


E1U-HSMUUAIrp-X| @SHINee/Twitter

Q: What would be your one choice for this album?

I’d recommend the fourth track, ‘Strings’. I think I sang well. [laughs]


E1pqVlwVUAIJjfZ| @SHINee/Twitter

Q: How would you describe this album with a keyword? What kind of reviews do you want to hear?

Last album [Before enlistment]. Rather than listening to any reviews, I want to continue to make albums that I can be more satisfied with.


186691259_467656264341981_2357256081460349437_n| @lm_____ltm/Instagram

Q: One last word for the fans.

I hope this album comforts our fans during my hiatus. Please listen to ‘Advice’ a lot!


Listen to “Advice” down below!


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