BTS Reveal Why They Chose To Start Releasing English Singles

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In an interview with Rolling Stone, BTS and Bang PD spoke about their new English-language singles and why they made the decision to start making music in English.

bts rolling stone

Before “Dynamite” came to be, HYBE was on the hunt for an English song for BTS. It was uncharted territory for the group: they had never released an original English-language track. Finally, they found the perfect people for the job–a U.K-based songwriter duo, David Stewart and Jessica Agombar–and soon thereafter, “Dynamite” was born.

The question remains, however: why did HYBE want to start producing music in English for BTS? Bang PD’s reasoning may surprise you!


“Dynamite” was born as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic! BTS and Bang PD wanted a song that would shift fans’ mood and uplift them during these difficult times.

“Dynamite” would not have been released if BTS had been on tour as scheduled. The project was chosen to shift the mood as a response to the pandemic situation.

–Bang PD

bighit| HYBE

Bang PD also felt like the song would convey its message and vibe better if it was in English–a language more accessible to fans around the world.

I thought it matched BTS, and that the song’s trendy vibes would be better expressed if sung in English.

–Bang PD

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Now, as BTS prepare to release their second English-language single, “Butter,” they want to carry on with that uplifting, optimistic vibe.

Like the lighthearted “Dynamite,” “Butter” has no heavy message. It’s a pure, swaggering dance-pop celebration in the retro vein of Bruno Mars, with layers of Jam and Lewis-style synths and boasts of being “smooth like butter” and having a “superstar glow.”

–Rolling Stone

bts bighit| HYBE

The members agree with Rolling Stone’s analysis of the song, expressing their excitement towards it.

It’s very energetic and very summery. It has a very dynamic performance.



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It seems as though the reason behind BTS’ newfound interest in releasing English-language songs is actually quite touching!

For more from BTS’s interview, find out how HYBE selects the best producers for the group, how V talked about being BTS’s hidden member, or how Suga thinks fans might react to BTS being in romantic relationships here:

BTS Dating? Suga Reveals How He Thinks ARMYs Would React 


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