BTS Wouldn’t Leave RM Alone, And He Was Ready To Throw Hands

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The BTS members are extremely playful, and in an episode of Run BTS!, RM was ready to throw hands! In the episode, the members each selected a random mission, and they had to try to complete them within a time limit. The members were then told that the prize for completing their mission would be ₩700,000 KRW (about $629 USD) worth of gift certificates!

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However, they were also told that these gift certificates would only be given to those who complete their mission. This meant that the members could sabotage each other when doing missions so that there would be fewer people to split the prize with.

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RM’s mission was to set up 300 dominoes and knock them down!

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When it was time to start the missions, chaos ensued as the members sabotaged each other when doing missions. When the members saw RM stacking dominoes, they knocked them down!

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RM laughed and asked if it was okay to curse on YouTube!

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RM attempted his mission multiple times, but they all ended quickly as someone would always knock his dominoes down!

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Jungkook even later hid RM’s dominoes so that there would be no chance of RM completing his mission!

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In the end, RM was unsuccessful, and the best he did was stacking 30 dominoes out of 300!

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Here are the full videos below!


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