ITZY Hilariously Exposes Each Others Embarrassing Habits

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The lovely members of ITZY recently sat down with Seventeen where they answered questions regarding their comeback with “Mafia in The Morning” as well as some more personal questions!

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One of the questions asked required them to expose themselves a little bit. The question asked, “What are some of your embarrassing habits?

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Lia shamelessly admitted, “I cry easily” and also hilariously exposed Chaeryeong along the way. While she shared her habit, Lia and Ryujin looked to Chaeryeong and Ryujin asked, “How about you?” The two giggled as they were teased Chaeryeong as she is known to cry easily as well.

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Once again, Ryujin playfully stated, “Lia cries really easily, and how about you?” In response to the two’s loving tease, Chaeryeong commented, “Mean girls.”

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Lia explained that she, Chaeryeong, and Ryujin cry very easily and then claimed that the whole group cries fairly easily.

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Despite Lia’s claim, Yeji clarified that she and Yuna are able to hold her tears better pretty well. Ryujin admitted that it’s mainly, Lia, and Chaeryeong, and herself who cry the easiest.

She (Yeji) don’t really cry easily, and she’s (Yuna) a real person. And the three of us (Lia, Chaeryeong, and Ryujin) really cry easily.

— Ryujin

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Concluding everything, Yeji pointed to herself and Yuna and stated, “We’re meaner person” while Lia, Chaeryeong, and Ryujin demonstrated how they cry.

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