ASTRO’s Cha Eunwoo Is So Gorgeous, Female Stars Keep Their Distance When Standing Next To Him

컨텐츠 정보


All K-Pop idols are visuals in their own right, but only a handful are so gorgeous that it’s hard to look at them sometimes. Actor and ASTRO member Cha Eunwoo is the perfect example of this.

Netizens hilariously made a compilation of females who kept their distance from him when in the same shot on TV, or at least were not comfortably close. They infer that this is likely because Cha Eunwoo is just so intimidatingly good looking.

Check out some samples here below!

1. Cosmic Girls’ Cheng Xiao during an episode of KBS’s Happy Together.


2. TWICE’s Dahyun when she acted alongside Cha Eunwoo

eunwoo dahyun

3. AOA’s Seolhyun in a magazine shoot

eunwoo seolhyun

4. Actress Kim Sae Ron when co-hosting Music Core

eunwoo saeron

5. GFRIEND’s Yerin during a shooting of The Show


6. DIA’s Chaeyeon as Cha Eunwoo’s co-host in an event

eunwoo chaeyeon

Netizens were highly amused at the compilation, complementing Cha Eunwoo’s visuals.

 It’s not realistic… How is he so handsome?

— Korean Netizen

cha eunwoo

They also had high praises for the female celebrities, saying they held their own against his perfect visuals.

Everyone is great. The female idols also have very small faces … It’s amazing to see how small Cha Eunwoo’s face is when standing next to female idols

— Korean Netizen


We’re definitely impressed!


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