ITZY’s Yeji Revealed Their Sneaky Tactic To Make Sure Lia Is Ready On Time

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In a recent episode of Weekly Idol, ITZY‘s Yeji surprised Lia when she revealed a “secret.”

yejiITZY’s Yeji

liaITZY’s Lia

The members shared that it takes Lia a long time to get ready.

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When asked why it takes Lia such a long time to get ready, Chaeryeong shared that they’re not sure and that Lia moves around a lot. Ryujin then savagely said that Lia “moves inefficiently.”

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Yeji then shared a secret within their group. If there is a situation where ITZY only has 15 minutes before pick-up, then the members will tell Lia that they only have 5 minutes since they know how long it takes for her to get ready!

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Lia was surprised after Yeji shared this, as she wasn’t aware of this information!

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However, nowadays, Lia gets ready in around a minute!

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Nowadays, Lia doesn’t wash up in their dorm and instead washes at their salon.

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Lia also places everything in her bag and carries it around with her!

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Here’s the full video below!


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