ASTRO’s JinJin Reveals The Time He Was Most Thankful For His Parents

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During the latest UNBOXING w/ JINJIN & KINO, ASTRO‘s JinJin and PENTAGON‘s Kino went through some more questions giving fans an insight into their lives!

As well as covering some of their spring memories, one question asked about the moment was when they were most thankful to their parents.

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It initially seemed impossible to pick one, but JinJin had a heartwarming story from when he was younger. Although he didn’t remember it well, apparently JinJin was very ill when he was two years old.

They weren’t paying too much attention to me at the hospital. When your illness is too severe, they give up on you.

— ASTRO’s JinJin

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He explained that his parents were told to sign a consent form, which JinJin added showed that the hospital had given up with him.

My mother, she declined to do it.

— ASTRO’s JinJin

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After his mother made the decision, JinJin thought that a miracle took place because of her belief and desire to continue trying to treat him.

There was a very famous pediatrician at the time. It was during lunchtime, and the doctor took a round skipping his lunch to check on the kids. The doctor saw me, and he called the nurses who were eating and ordered an MRI.

— ASTRO’s JinJin

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JinJin then added that his parents were very young at the time, but he was very thankful that they didn’t give up as parents! Because of their hope, JinJin could grow up and do all of the things he loves!

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