“Vincenzo” Finale: “Jang Han Seo” Actor Kwak Dong Yeon Shares His Closing Thoughts

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Many viewers tuned into tvN‘s Vincenzo to see Song Joong Ki as Vincenzo Cassano, not expecting Kwak Dong Yeon to win their hearts as Jang Han Seo.

vincenzo-kwak-dong-yeon-1614064553Kwak Dong Yeon as Jang Han Seo.

Jang Han Seo, the villain’s younger half-brother, began as a pretentious, dim-witted lackey, but over the course of the series, he evolved into a true hero that fans rooted for. Jang Han Seo charmed Vincenzo (and viewers) with his selfless loyalty and cheerful personality.

hanseo| Vincenzo/tvN

Now, sadly, Vincenzo‘s finale has aired, and fans must say a bittersweet farewell to Jang Han Seo.

hanseo2| Vincenzo/tvN

In true Jang Han Seo fashion, Kwak Dong Yeon began his goodbye to Vincenzo with a comical entrance. During the shooting for his last scene, he hopped off an exercise bike with a drink in hand and greeted viewers. “Hello to all who loved Vincenzo,” he began. “Our long journey has come to an end…” 

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“A lot of people really worked hard. Everyone did great. Thanks to that, a good drama was made and because you loved that good drama, we really felt rewarding and were able to work happily.”

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Kwak Dong Yeon ended his message with a “Thank you,” waving. We will miss Jang Han Seo, but we can’t wait to see Kwak Dong Yeon again in his next K-Drama!

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