“MMTG” Host JaeJae Calls Out Imposters Who Contact Celebrities Pretending To Be Her

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MMTG host JaeJae has recently been on the rise for her impeccable interviewing skills. However, it seems that there is a downside to fame. Imposters have been impersonating her to try to contact celebrities.

JaeJae took to her personal Instagram to call out the imposters. Along with screenshots of some conversations the imposter had with celebrities, JaeJae gave a stern warning in the caption.

I heard that there has been a crazy person impersonating me since last year, contacting celebrities and various trainees with an invite to guest on the show. I do not invite guests via KakaoTalk messenger. Please be cautious of crazy people. Next time, if I catch you, I will not end things by simply cursing at you, and will file a lawsuit. Please get it together.

— JaeJae

The screenshots show the imposter contacting celebrities, pretending to want to discuss the show with them. In particular, they reached out to Raina.

  • “Hello~^^ I’m JaeJae, who’s currently the MC for SBS‘s MMTG! I am contacting you solely because I wish to invite you as a guest for our hidden hit tracks corner!!”
  • “Ah hello! I’ve been watching your YouTube well. How did you know how to get in touch with me?”
  • “Wow, Raina! I love you~ I got your contact by asking the people around me. I’m a superstar, as you know. We wanted to invite Orange Caramel and After School for the hidden hit tracks corner during our year-end special. These two groups are the icons for hidden hits, as you know.”

Screenshot 2021-04-28 at 5.32.44 PM| @happy_jae_jae/Instagram

The imposter continues to send screenshots of the supposed planned outline for the year-end special in order to further convince Raina.

Screenshot 2021-04-28 at 5.32.49 PM

Impersonation is a serious offense, especially when it is of a public figure. Here’s to hoping JaeJae and other celebrities will not be further troubled by this issue.


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