BTS Prove That They Are True Gentlemen In The Latest Episode of “Run BTS!”

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In the latest Run BTS! episode, BTS put all the ping-pong practice they had in the previous episode to the test in a tournament!

While the first match between V and Jungkook was intense, Jimin wanted to start his round with leader RM in a much calmer and more polite manner.

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J-Hope and Jin seemed to appreciate the sentiment and asked whether there were extra points for manners. Even if the coach said he would add them later, Jimin took his chance and added a point before he forgot later in the tournament.

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Whether it was for the extra points or not, the members continued to showcase their outstanding manners, each with their own unique interpretations.

Jin and J-Hope added some drama to their manners with a theatrical approach from both members.

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After starting the tradition, Jimin made sure to show who was in charge before his match against the so-called “King of ping-pong” V!

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As expected, RM and J-Hope took that one step further and added some choreography and flair that had to be admired!

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Even before the last match started, V and J-Hope couldn’t help but add their own stylish and cool twist to their manners!

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In the end, no matter who won or lost, all of BTS proved that they were real gentlemen and knew how to have a nice, clean game of ping-pong!


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