SHINee’s Minho Teases NCT’s Lucas On Instagram And Basically Admits That They Look Alike
SHINee‘s Minho was caught teasing NCT‘s Lucas on Instagram! It seems like Key may have influenced Minho, especially since it’s not long ago that they teased each other on Instagram.
Lucas recently posted a short video of himself enjoying the outdoors. Just a couple of hours later, none other than Minho commented!
| @lucas_xx444/Instagram & @jopping2fast/Twitter
Why are you uploading my video based on your whim????
— Minho
Minho teased Lucas, asking him why he uploaded a video of himself, admitting that the two look alike. Since Lucas’ debut, fans have noticed a resemblance between the two, and some even refer to them as “father and son.”
Minho (left) and Lucas (right) | @smtown/Instagram
Lucas gave a cute response to his hyung in which he inadvertently confessed that he knows he’s cool!
I uploaded it because hyung was so cool kkkkk
— Lucas
Check out Lucas’ post below: