4 Times BTS’s Jin And His Mother Exuded Peak Mother And Son Energy

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While BTS‘s Jin has a heartwarming relationship with his mother, they have had some hilarious “arguments” like any mother and son would have. Here are 4 times Jin and his mother exuded peak mother and son energy.

1. When his kindness “backfired” 

In the past, Jin decided to make some chocolates for his mother for Valentine’s Day. Jin began by melting a bunch of chocolates together.

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Jin, however, then ran into an unfortunate situation as he burned all the chocolates! Jin’s mother saw this, and she got “really angry” at him!

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After Jin shared this story, he got teased by his fellow members.

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2. Arguing over pizza

During a live broadcast, Jin spoke about how he argued with his mother over pizza in the past!

jin2BTS’s Jin

Jin shared that in the past, he loved bringing his friends over to his house. However, when Jin’s older brother brought his friends over, their mother offered to buy Jin’s older brother and his friends some pizza. Jin then began “protesting” that his mother was being unfair since she never offered to buy him pizza when he brought his friends over.


Jin’s mother then gave Jin an honest answer, telling him that his older brother only brings friends over a few times a month, while Jin would bring his friends over twice a day! Jin’s mother told Jin that she could not buy his friends pizza every single time. She even told Jin, “Do you want to keep stocks in the form of pizza?


Jin ended up replying by saying, “Is hyung’s mouth counted as a mouth while mine is just a hole?

jin1BTS’s Jin and his mother

3. Not noticing her at concerts

In a live broadcast, Jin shared that his family sometimes comes to their concerts and tells him where they will be seated.

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Jin, however, isn’t the best at spotting people in crowds, so he isn’t able to find his family even with this information.

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There have been several times where Jin’s mother has “scolded” him for not spotting her. She would tell Jin that she was waving her hands to him and ask him why he didn’t spot her.

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Jin would give an honest answer and tell her that everyone in a concert waves their hands and acts excited! He also has hilariously told her that staying still would make her stand out more in a concert!

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4. Rules when it comes to cooking

Jin has been praised many times by his members for his incredible cooking skills. However, Jin once revealed that his mother could be quite strict when it comes to cooking. If he uses MSGs or if his food is too salty, he will “get scolded.”

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Once the members heard this, they laughed since they wondered if these rules were worth getting scolded over. Jin then honestly said that his family is strict when it comes to food!

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Here’s the full video below!


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