10+ Times BLACKPINK Taught Us How To Best Upgrade Outfits With Track Pants

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BLACKPINK‘s style is usually composed of skirts and dresses especially during their promotional periods. That doesn’t mean, however, that they can’t rock it in clothes like track pants!

If you’re interested in knowing how to upgrade your casual looks, keep on reading!

1. Lisa

First up, Lisa showed us that it’s best to add a red scarf for a fun pop of color.

lisa-red| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

2. Lisa

For a balanced look, use a zip-up jacket of the same color.

lisa the show2| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

lisa the show| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

3. Jennie

A branded black sweatshirt can never go wrong!

jennie 1

4. Jennie

A lose fitting sweater can give off street vibes like in Jennie’s Instagram photo.

jennie 2| @jennierubyjane/Instagram

5. Jennie

Wear your hair in braids and have on a tight long sleeved top for a charismatic look.

jennie adidas| @jennierubyjane/Instagram

6. Jisoo

Jisoo and Jennie have the same thoughts! A black cropped shirt will always complement track pants.


7. Jisoo

Try a beige set of pants for a more neutral look.

jisoo ig

8. Rosé

What a queen! In Rosé’s “On The Ground” dance practice video, her white top was the highlight of her attire.

rose| @roses_are_rosie/Instagram

9. Rosé

A simple tank top is jazzed up with bright blue jogging pants.

rose airport

10. Rosé

Adidas definitely chose the perfect models!

rose adidas| @Originals_kr/Twitter

11. Jennie

If you aren’t comfortable in short shirts, just wear a loose fitting one and go for the laid-back look. Jennie perfected it!

jennie3| @jennierubyjane/Instagram

Without a doubt, BLACKPINK is fashionable even in the simplest clothing!

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