BLACKPINK’s Lisa Offers Official Look At Her Sexy “Crazy Horse” Outfits

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BLACKPINK‘s Lisa successfully wrapped five exclusive Totally Crazy performances at the famous Crazy Horse Cabaret in Paris, France.

Performed across three days, the BLACKPINK member sold out each show, with crowds gathered to see Lisa exit the venue at the end of the night.

liBLACKPINK’s Lisa at Crazy Horse Cabaret | @crazyhorseparis_official/Instagram

Many details of the sexy production were kept under wraps, with BLINKs learning more about the show from the lucky attendees.

With filming and photography prohibited during the performance, fans relied on fan accounts of the show and short glimpses from her Crazy Horse promotional video playing in the lobby of the venue, which was captured on ELLE Singapore Magazine‘s Instagram story.

lisaaaBLACKPINK’s Lisa in a promotional video being shown in the Crazy Horse lobby | @ellesingapore/Instagram

While a few talented fans even created photoshopped images of Lisa in the show’s outfits, much of Lisa’s wardrobe details were left up to the imagination until today when the BLACKPINK maknae uploaded official photos from her performance on Instagram.

384164581_778573770706533_2022677965986142535_n| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

Lisa offered fans a look at the sexy business attire she wore during her “Crisis? What Crisis” solo stage…

385822461_1004269697494580_3211762512096235918_n| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram 385794659_1495756104501944_4314979953138599744_n| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

… and gorgeous black and white photos of Lisa in the coordinating sheer lingerie set she wore underneath her “Crisis? What Crisis?” outfit…

386242455_867237925018258_6936510626479256316_n| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram 386458448_314002261322060_1561251039572426498_n| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram 385744800_859854185608499_9067879870144382154_n| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

Even though photos of the performance aren’t currently available, Lisa’s charisma and confidence shine in the still photos shared.

386155195_1046020306570376_5739590117696141169_n| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram 386313805_1014495289889639_4399849981844831242_n| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

She also gave fans a look at herself wearing the iconic Crazy Girls wig, worn by the dancers and “custom-cut by Raphael, the legendary wigmaker of Crazy Horse Paris, in his Paris salon.”

386172474_644786594458691_3231986654133162138_n| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

Finally, she shared photos of herself in an eye-catching beaded set.

385790112_1600467360361284_5062731312649226743_n| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram 385785976_889031689307932_2568502801688363004_n| @lalalalisa_m/Instagram

Lisa captioned her post, “Such an amazing experience at [Crazy Horse]. Thank you everyone for making this happen. Call me whenever you need someone to fill a spot????.

Hopefully, she’ll drop more photos soon!

Check out fans’ imaginations of Lisa in different Totally Crazy outfits in the article below!

What Did BLACKPINK’s Lisa Wear For Her “Crazy Horse Paris” Performance? Here’s A Sneak Peek


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