K-Pop Plastic Surgeons Reveal Which Cosmetic Procedures Male Idols Get The Most

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When it comes to talk of plastic surgery in the K-Pop industry, most people’s minds default to female idols. Of course, in reality, idols across the gender spectrum have had cosmetic surgery. Two plastic surgeons with experience in the K-Pop industry revealed the most popular procedures for boy group stars in a new “Comment Defenders” video with AYO on YouTube.

As the directors of Moon Clinic, a popular cosmetic treatment facility in Gangnam, Park Moon Soo and Kook Hwa have performed numerous treatments—to the point that Park has even dined with a K-Pop star. So, who better to reveal which procedures are the most popular for male idols?

kpopplasticsurgeonsPark Moon Soo (left) & Kook Hwa (right) | AYO 에이요/YouTube

One AYO commenter suggested that one of the most common surgeries must be face line and jaw Botox—and Park Moon Soo agrees. In fact, he revealed that these are the most common cosmetic treatments for Korean people regardless of gender.

ayosurgeonsmale_1| AYO 에이요/YouTube

This procedure involves injecting a drug called Botox into the face to weaken or paralyze the facial muscles, reducing their size and giving the jawline a smaller and more contoured appearance. Just as in women, the Korean beauty standard for men prefers a small face with a delicate jawline, so it should come as no surprise that this treatment is popular among male idols.

ayosurgeonsmale_2ASTRO’s Cha Eunwoo is considered a prime example of the male Korean beauty standard. | Fantagio Entertainment

The same commenter also believed that rhytidectomy (more commonly known as a facelift) and chin filler must be the other most popular treatments for male idols, but Park Moon Soo revealed that’s not quite true. Instead, he and Kook Hwa say the second most popular male idol procedure in their experience is nose filler.

ayosurgeonsmale_3| AYO 에이요/YouTube

Quite a lot of Korean men have a bit of a hooked nose,” Park Moon Soo explained. However, the male beauty standard typically mandates a small, sloped nose. Nose filler, also known as non-surgical rhinoplasty, involves injecting a filler into the nose bridge to smooth out the nose shape without invasive treatments.

ayosurgeonsmale_4BTS’s Jin is also considered a prime example of the male Korean beauty standard. | HYBE

The procedure is so popular that even Park Moon Soo himself has had it done. “It’s not good at all if you get multiple surgeries for your nose,” Kook Hwa explained, noting that non-surgical filler can overcome the risks of chipping away at the nose bones with invasive surgery.


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