SEVENTEEN Vernon’s Reaction To TXT Soobin’s Height Is Hilariously Priceless

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SEVENTEEN headed to KBS‘s Music Bank for their “HOME;RUN” comeback, where TXT‘s Soobin is the MC that nearly every idol ends up becoming fond of.

This time, Soobin’s charms in being adorable hadn’t been what attracted Vernon‘s attention. Instead, his relatable reaction to Soobin’s height had many cracking up.

seventeen vernon| SBS Inkigayo PD Note

Toward the end of Soobin and OH MY GIRL‘s Arin‘s interview segment with SEVENTEEN, both of them tried out the point choreography. Afterward, Vernon couldn’t help but look at Soobin as he read his script. It was the hilarious way he did it that had fans chuckling.

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Vernon took a slow look at Soobin all the way from his shoes to the top of his head. Everyone already knew what was on Vernon’s mind. He was yet another idol amazed by how tall Soobin is—especially seeing him up close.

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Funnily enough, it was a similar reaction to the way EXO‘s Baekhyun had taken in Yeonjun‘s tall height as well.

If Soobin looks extremely tall from a distance, he must seem even taller in-person. No wonder Vernon had to take it all in.

txt soobin| BigHitEntertainment

Watch Vernon’s understandable yet hilarious way of taking in Soobin’s towering height that’ll always be one of the funniest.


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