BTS’s Jin Keeps Winning Awards For Being Too Damn Handsome

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BTS‘s Jin is the one and only Worldwide Handsome, and he has the accolades to prove it! Here are just some of the top beauty lists he has been ranked on, and the awards he has won for being gorgeous!

Jin_BE_Concept_Photo_(2)Jin | HYBE

1. “Best Sculpted Face In The World”

In 2018, Jin ranked first on a Top 10 list for the “Best Sculpted Face in the World.” This was no easy feat! The Top 10 candidates were selected from 18,000 male faces from 58 countries by 1,504,602 public votes.


As a reward for winning, sculptor Radek Schick immortalized Worldwide Handsome’s beautiful features on a crystal trophy.

trophy1| Radek Schick

trophy2| Radek Schick

2. “The World’s Most Perfect Male Face”

Sluis Painting, a Dutch visual arts team, crowned Jin with this title after using facial analysis to search for the most perfect faces in the world, using facial analysis. Sluis Painting used math (Golden Ratio) and digital face mapping techniques to concluded that Jin was #1 out of all the celebrities they analyzed from 43 countries.


3. The God Of Visuals

Nick Paxson, a user experience researcher from Ireland, used a neural network algorithm to compare Jin’s face to a bust of the Greek god Zeus in Altemps. He found striking similarities between the positions of Jin’s lips, eyes, and nose to the sculpture.

jin1| Nick Paxson

The algorithm compared 648 celebrities to the Zeus bust and concluded that Jin’s face was the most similar, officially making him a god of visuals.

jin3| Nick Paxson 

4. TC Candler’s “100 Most Handsome Faces” lists

In 2020, BTS’s Jin was voted the 39th most handsome face one of the biggest beauty lists in the world. This was Jin’s 3rd appearance on the list. In 2018, he ranked 47th, and in 2019, he ranked 44th. In other words, he gets better looking every year!

unnamed| @tccandler/Instagram


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