BTS Reveal Who The “Most Playful” Members Are

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While all the BTS members are extremely playful, they believe that two are the “most playful.”


BTS appeared on KBS for a special talk show called Let’s BTS. In one segment of the show, the members were tasked with praising each other. J-Hope was tasked with praising Jin, and he showered Jin with praise.

We don’t need words to describe our Jin hyung. He is amazing, just as he is. His handsome face, wide shoulders, beautiful voice….and his age. The last one was a joke, but he is the oldest out of us all. Because he is the oldest, we thought that he would think the order of age was important, but he was actually the opposite of that. He is the one that creates the atmosphere for our group. If you think about it, there was a role he had as the oldest, and he was able to play that role of being a pillar while creating a soft atmosphere.

— J-Hope

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After hearing J-Hope’s kind words, Jin was asked if he’s ever held “a grip” on the members since he’s the eldest, and he gave a heartwarming and hilarious response.

The members are all talented and good people, and I couldn’t find anything that I was better at than them. Honestly, I could have held a grip on them if they weren’t all that, but I couldn’t.

— Jin

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The members were then asked who the funniest or most playful member is, and they selected Jin.

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Jin wasn’t the only member selected, as they also picked Jungkook.

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When Jungkook and Jin are together, it gets “chaotic,” and the two will constantly goof around. V also said that Jimin often goofs around as well!

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Here’s the full video below!


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