IU Shares Her Struggles With Self-Loathing And Hatred On “You Quiz On The Block”

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IU‘s highly anticipated episode of You Quiz on the Block has finally aired and to no one’s surprise, it is filled with absolute goodness.

you quizIU’s episode of “You Quiz on the Block” | tvN

Yoo Jae Suk dives right into the interview by asking the “LILAC” singer why she sings so often about her age. Her answer was surprisingly simple.

you quizStill of “You Quiz on the Block” | tvN

There’s not a big reason. Since I write the lyrics to my own songs, I realized at one point that there’s not much to write about. However, your age is something that changes every year.

Every year, I found myself changing. 18-year-old me and 23-year-old me compared to the IU I was last year are all different.

— IU

IU further elaborated by sharing her personal testimony of what she was like when she was younger and in her early 20’s.

you quizStill of “You Quiz on the Block” | tvN

When I was younger, I had a lot of self-loathing. Even if I had good things in my life, I had a hard time loving myself in my early 20’s.

— IU

When she wrote “Palette,” IU was 25-years-old and the singer shared that it was at that age that she felt like she was starting to know herself.

you quizStill of “You Quiz on the Block” | tvN

In the song, ‘Palette,’ there are lyrics that say ‘I think I know myself now.’ I wrote these lyrics because I no longer have lingering disappointment in myself nor are there surprising or new things about myself. I just learned to accept myself as I am, including all the areas that I lack.

— IU

The multi-faceted artist has proven her abilities not just as a lyricist and singer, but also as an actress. Yoo Jae Suk and Jo Se Ho both wanted to address her achievements in this genre, to which Jo Se Ho asked a very Jo Se Ho question.

you quizStill of “You Quiz on the Block” | tvN

I don’t think people thought you’d be good at acting…I mean of course people thought that you could be good at it, but I didn’t think you’d be this good at it?

— Jo Se Ho

IU hilariously answered Jo Se Ho’s ramble in the coolest way possible.

you quizStill of “You Quiz on the Block” | tvN

Wait…are you saying I am good at it or that I’m not good at it…?

— IU

As the topic of acting continued on, one of her productions, My Mister became the focal point of the conversation due to its dark plot, in which IU showcased her superb acting abilities. While there wasn’t much of a script, IU had to relay her feelings through her emotions. Yoo Jae Suk gave her a much deserved shoutout due to her incredible acting in this drama.

you quizStill of “You Quiz on the Block” | tvN

There weren’t a lot of lines that were said, but you expressed it through your facial expressions. You had to portray the feelings through your emotions.

— Yoo Jae Suk

When asked why she chose such a dark series to act in, IU confessed that it was because she personally related to My Mister‘s character.

you quizStill of “You Quiz on the Block” | tvN

I shared a lot of commonalities with Jian (IU’s ‘My Mister’ character). I didn’t have any confusion on the lines and rarely asked questions to the author of the drama because of it.

— IU

The interview shifted gears when the two hosts of the tvN program asked IU how she felt about being “IU” and the icon of this generation.

you quizStill of “You Quiz on the Block” | tvN

I’m just very very lucky. I just think I have good luck

— IU

IU revealed what she meant by that by sharing that she believes her popularity has nothing to do with herself.

you quizStill of “You Quiz on the Block” | tvN

I’m able to do the music I want to do, but it’s because the public listens to it. I’m not trying to be humble, but honestly, how lucky am I? I’m very grateful.

— IU

IU never fails to prove her class and this time was no different. You can check out the clip with IU on You Quiz on the Block down below.


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