BLACKPINK’s Lisa Teared Up At Birthday Presents From “Youth With You” Trainees

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While filming Youth With You‘s third season, BLACKPINK‘s Lisa ended up celebrating her birthday with the trainees. They didn’t let the day pass without preparing thoughtful presents for their lovely mentor.

blackpink lisa

At the end of practice, KINGSTON led the trainees as they wished Lisa a happy birthday in her native tongue Thai. Lisa appreciated the effort as she smiled and placed her hands on her cheeks.

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The first present they shared was a drawing of Lisa with her pet Lego. It was such a sweet gesture that Lisa teared up while saying, “Is it Lego? Awww, my baby Lego.

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Lisa found it so cute that she had to express it with her hands, making the trainees laugh.

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The trainees even used their bodies to spell out Lisa’s name, along with a birthday wish.

youth with you 3 blackpink lisa happy birthdayTrainees spelling out “Lisa, happy birthday.” | iQIYI 爱奇艺/YouTube

They also prepared a cake for Lisa, which made her laugh as the lights dimmed and her staff brought it in. She made a wish and blew out the candles.

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Afterward, they took a celebratory photo to remember the moment forever.

youth with you 3 blackpink lisa happy birthday photo| iQIYI 爱奇艺/YouTube

Check out Lisa’s happy reactions to the birthday surprises from the sweet trainees here.


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