Indie Band DOMA’s Vocalist Kim Doma Has Passed Away At The Age Of 28

컨텐츠 정보


Indie band DOMA‘s vocalist Kim Doma has passed away at the age of 28.

202103211501148442_tBand DOMA. Geonu (left) and Doma (right).

Fellow DOMA member Geonu made the announcement on his personal Instagram, letting the group’s fans know of the sad news.

Hello, this is Geonu from DOMA. Yesterday, the situation wasn’t organized, so I only contacted a few close people around me about it.

On March 19, Kim Doma (Kim Soo Ah) passed away. I think the funeral will be held on Monday in Jeonju. I will share the details when I am informed about them.

The location and schedule for the funeral have not been decided yet. I want the news to be confirmed quickly too, but I think I will have to wait. I will share it as soon as I find out.

— Geonu

Just five days ago, Doma shared a video on her Instagram account showing the band preparing for their new album.

May she rest in peace.


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