Super Junior Dishes On The Details Of Their 10th Album “The Renaissance”

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The talented Super Junior held an online press conference in light of their 10th studio album The Renaissance. During the conference, the members revealed some amazing details on the album and its title track “House Party.”


The album was initially set to release in December of last year, however, the release was delayed for about three months for post-production. Eunhyuk expressed his pride in the group releasing their 10th full album and stated that the group put their greatest effort into making it!

I always pride myself on releasing a full-length album. These days we release mini-albums and singles, but we always work hard to release albums with more than 10 or 11 songs. I hope many people like it because it is an album that was made with great effort.

— Eunhyuk


Shindong showcased his excitement for the fans to finally be able to hear the album!

The fans had to wait a long time. While we prepared, I wanted to quickly show them what we were working on, and it was really fun.

— Shindong


Super Junior’s leader Leeteuk claimed this album is a “Turning point” for the group as it is their “Revival Period” and fans couldn’t be more excited!

The dictionary meaning of ‘Renaissance’ means the resurrection or reproduction of academic art. It is to revive the classics to show new movements. With this album as a turning point, we will face a new revival period for Super Junior. We decided on the album title of ‘The Renaissance’ with the purpose of showing you Super Junior’s music.

—  Leeteuk

The group has had nothing but success, now in their 17th year of promotions, the members were questioned on how they are able to work so well together for so long. Leeteuk shared that it is his love for his fans that helps him continue. He also shared that everything ran smoothly during the album’s preparations which made him very happy.

In the past, when I practiced choreography, there were slumps and disagreements, but when I was preparing for the choreography for this album, it was nice to think that I was well prepared like water flowing very happily.

— Leeteuk


Ryeowook added that it’s also the group member’s great chemistry and teamwork that allows Super Junior to keep working hard with each other.

Whenever I get to promote as Super Junior, I get strength. When I’m alone, it feels like work, but when I’m with Super Junior, it feels like play. Like a house party.

— Ryeowook


In response, Heechul commented with a more realistic answer that the contract renewals were also apart of why the group is great at working together.

Wouldn’t it be our consistent renewals with contract? Realistically, if our agencies were different, our schedules might not match up. Since we keep renewing, isn’t that why SM is releasing our albums?

— Heechul


Leeteuk replied that while the contracts do play a major part, it’s also due to the member’s hard work.

I believe there are many of secrets to our longevity. Our contracts are clearly a part of it but because our members all promote diligently on their own, we’ve been able to gain love for a long time. I also believe social media has played a big role.

— Leeteuk

Kyuhyun added a humorous comment and stated that having a lot of members is also a major part.

The beneficial part is having the ability to move on to a new member once you grow bored.

— Kyuhyun


Yesung claimed that it was due to how the members are consistently working hard without a break.

Isn’t it because I constantly challenge myself without taking a break?

— Yesung


Moving away from the topic of teamwork, the group then discussed the album’s title track “House Party” and its sound. “House Party” is a disco-pop song that has an addictive rhythm and exciting guitar riffs. As for the lyrics, the tune expresses encouragement to stay home and obtain strength during the pandemic.

Leeteuk mentioned that in the past he felt that they should always do the most popular genre but has now realized that working hard on the song is the most important.

When I was active in the past, I thought that I would have to do a popular genre. Looking back, we realized that the most important thing was for members to come together to release an album and work on the stage. Aside from the popular genres, the idea of ‘House Party’ is conveying an energy special to Super Junior where we can have fun on stage.

— Leeteuk

Eunhyuk also added how songs with a relatable message that resonates with the time are often popular and that ‘House Party’ definitely did just that. Siwon stated that he hopes to spend more face-to-face time with fans like they could before the pandemic.

From this time, starting from the title song, I hope we’ll soon be able to spend happy times together face-to-face like we did in the past.

— Siwon


Donghae concluded the conference and conveyed that he believes the fans admire them since their color is so unique.

Because our color is so defined, I think that’s why so many people like us.

— Donghae


Heechul made sure to share that the members also have separate promotions such as Kyuhyun’s upcoming musical! He also shared his hopes for COVID-19 to come to an end.

I ask for your love for the musical ‘Phantom.’ We will be active together and sometimes separately. And I hope that Corona 19 will end soon.

— Heechul

Not wanting to leave out the rest of the members, Eunhyuk mentioned the other member’s separate promotions.

Though we have Super Junior group promotions, we also plan to promote in several ways, like solos and in units. D&E, my unit with Donghae, is planning a studio album for our 10th anniversary this year. Yesung’s solo comeback is also right around the corner.

— Eunhyuk

Image from iOS| @SJofficial/Twitter



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