BLACKPINK Rosé’s Sister Reveals What She Thinks Rosé Would Have Been If She Didn’t Become A Singer

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BLACKPINK‘s Rosé recently made her solo debut, and she has been showered with love by many people.

While Rosé is currently a superstar artist, her sister, Alice, believes that she would have excelled in a different career if she didn’t become a singer.

roseBLACKPINK’s Rosé (Right) & her sister Alice (Left) | @roses_are_rosie/Instagram

In the latest “ROSÉ “On The Ground” | Countdown to Premiere” episode of RELEASED — a series on BLACKPINK’s YouTube channel,” Rosé called Alice to answer a few questions about her. One of the questions Alice got asked was, “If Rosé wasn’t a global superstar, what would she be doing?

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Alice shared that she and many other people close to Rosé believe that she would have been a YouTube superstar!

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Rosé laughed and said that she could have seen this happening, as she was quite active and had a lot of interest in famous YouTubers in the past.

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Alice believes Rosé would have been an influencer or someone who posts a lot of cover songs.

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Here’s the full video below!


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