Hwang In Yeop Reveals What He Would Have Done Differently From His “True Beauty” Character

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Despite the widely popular drama being over, fans still can’t let go of True Beauty and its characters. While fans are still obsessing over the drama, it appears some of the cast members can’t let go as well. Talented actor Hwang In Yeop revealed he was still in the headspace of his character Han Seojun during an interview with W Korea.


Back in February, Hwang In Yeop participated in an interview with W Korea where he discussed several aspects of his views on the True Beauty storyline and his character Han SeoJun.

hwang in yeop

In the interview, the fact that Han SeoJun did not end up with Jukyung (played by Moon Ga Young) was mentioned. To this, Han Seojun talked about how he was shocked to find that so many viewers were “Team SeoJun

I didn’t expect that there would be so many ‘Team Seojun.’ When I go out to eat, or even when I’m wearing a mask on the street, people will notice my piercings and go, ‘Oh, it’s Seojun.’ Maybe that’s why I can’t escape from Han Seojun. Filming ended last week (at the time the interview took place). Including the audition period, I spent about nine months as Seo Jun. For those times, it’s difficult to let go of him. It’s still lingering.

— Hwang In Yeop

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With that in mind, the interviewer questioned how he was able to finally let go and go back to himself. Hwang In Yeop responded and shared he still behaves or speaks like Han Seojun from time to time.

Q: Then how could you let go of him in order to become Hwang In Yeop?

It’s a little sloppy. Sometimes I still uknowingly use Seojun’s unique way of speaking and even his gestures too. My manager and staff would tell me, ‘Oh, it was Seojun just now.’ But I’m going to fix it instantly because I’m aware of it. I want to take care of it naturally.

— Hwang In Yeop

true beauty hwang in yeop

Despite Hwang In Yeop being pretty in sync with his character, he shared that there were still some things he disagrees with in terms of Han Seojun’s decisions.

Q: Is there any regrets while acting as Han Seojun

There is. If it was me, I wouldn’t have lost my chance with Jukyung. I wouldn’t have just hovered around her for two years.

— Hwang In Yeop

true beaut

Since Hwang In Yeop feels that Han Seojun should’ve done more, the interviewer then asked what the right time for Seojun to confess would’ve been.

Q: Then aside from episode 16, when would be the right time to confess to Jukyung?

When Suho suddenly disappeared for two years. Wouldn’t it be okay after a year had passed?

— Hwang In Yeop

seojun suho

It appears that Hwang In Yeop has a different mindset than Han Seojun in terms of love. The interviewer then asked if he felt it was okay to confess despite her being his friend’s girlfriend.

Q: A year after Jukyung broke up with Suho, will he understand if Seojun (his best friend) dates Junkyung?

Because he broke up with her first! Whew, it’s too obvious that I haven’t broken free of Han Seo Jun yet.

— Hwang In Yeop

hwang in yeop

Towards the end of the interview, Hwang In Yeop revealed his thoughts on love triangles, such as the one in True Beauty.

Q: If you encounter a love triangle situation like in the drama, which would you choose between friendship and love?

I think that if you choose friendship, you will only lose love, but if you choose love, you have to be prepared to lose both.

— Hwang In Yeop

hwang in yeop

When asked if he was ready to lose both, Hwang In Yeop honestly shared that he hadn’t encountered a situation to make this kind of decision.

Q: So is Hwang In Yeop ready to lose both and chose love?

Hmm…but I haven’t encountered that person yet (laughs).

— Hwang In Yeop

hwang in yeop


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