Here’s How IU Felt When She Acted Alongside SHINee’s Minho In The Past

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In 2012, SHINee‘s Minho and IU briefly acted alongside each other in the sitcom Salamander Guru and The Shadows.

1SHINee’s Minho & IU

SHINee recently guested in an episode of IU’s Palette, and Minho and IU spoke briefly about acting alongside each other.

Your browser does not support video.| 이지금 [IU Official]/YouTubeYour browser does not support video.| 이지금 [IU Official]/YouTubeBack when this sitcom was airing, Minho was considered “the best looking of all idols.” After IU said this, Taemin teased Minho a little and said that Minho’s eyes and nose “pierced out through the screen.”

Your browser does not support video.| 이지금 [IU Official]/YouTubeIU then began talking about Minho’s facial features and said that in the past, she “hated” being on the same screen with Minho due to his stunning visuals. After IU humbly stated this, the SHINee members praised her, saying that she’s constantly complimenting them.

Your browser does not support video.| 이지금 [IU Official]/YouTubeHere’s the full video below!


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