The Person BLACKPINK’s Lisa Respects The Most Out Of Everyone In The World

BLACKPINK‘s Lisa recently celebrated her 27th birthday. As a gift for fans, she released a video on LLOUD’s official YouTube channel answering questions while giving a tour of her home.
The question made her pause for a second was “Who is the person you respect the most?” As someone so popular, it wasn’t a surprise that she’d have an entire list of people she looks up to.
She did, however, soon settle on a sure answer: her mother, Chitthip Bruschweiler.
I definitely feel like it’s my mother.
— Lisa

The Thai woman raised Lisa single-handedly for many years, fully supporting her not only in the basics but also with her interest in dancing.
When I was young, I practiced dance for a really long time, all the way up until dawn and go to school in the morning.
— Lisa
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Lisa’s mother made sure she never looked tired in front of her daughter. She did not complain while she accompanied her for hours on end. This in turn made her feel fully loved.
It was my mom who kept the schedule with me, and did everything with me. But I never saw her look tired or anything.
— Lisa
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Because of the way her mother carried herself in front of her, Lisa realized what it means to be a strong woman. She made it her goal as a child to become just like her when she grows up.
So I thought, ‘Oh I want to be a strong woman like my mom.’
— Lisa
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To learn more about Lisa, check out the full interview below!