BABYMONSTER’s 14-Year Old Maknae Has Sassy Response To Fan Who Asked For Her Hand In Marriage

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BABYMONSTER is the latest group to debut from YG Entertainment. They are made up of members RukaPharitaAsaAhyeonRamiRora, and Chiquita who range from 14 to 22 years old.

GKI1tkmaYAAvAQf.jpgBABYMONSTER | YG Entertainment

On April 2, maknae (youngest member) Chiquita answered a fan message on Weverse that fans found amusing. Here, one of them jokingly asked for her hand in marriage.

Canny sis, please marry me ????????



“Canny” is the nickname that Chiquita’s mom has called her ever since she was a child.

240109-CHIQUITA-s-Mom-Instagram-Update-with-CHIQUITA-documents-7Chiquita with her mother pre-debut

Chiquita continued the joke with a simple but sassy response, repeating the word “prison” or “jail.”


This word also sounds like “cough” in Thai which made the atmosphere doubly awkward and funny.

Born on February 17, 2009, the BABYMONSTER maknae just turned 14 years old. It’s no surprise, therefore, that marriage is not in her plans any time soon. If the fan truly wanted to propose, they would be put in jail.

chiquita_babymonsters_408058821_811056484127433_2025429891320077080_n| YG Entertainment

Other fans found the exchange hilarious, laughing about it on social media.

Chiquita was only 13 years old when she appeared on YG Entertainment’s Last Evaluation reality show, one year younger than fellow member Rora. Now, she’s one of the youngest K-Pop idols to ever debut.


BABYMONSTER recently made their official debut with their title track “SHEESH.” Check out the music video below!


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