The 30 Rarest Korean Surnames In The World

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Earlier today, we wrote about some of the K-Pop idols with the rarest surnames in the industry. And while these idols do have surnames that barely anyone or no one else in the K-Pop world has, there are quite a few Korean surnames that are much rarer! In fact, some are so rare that less than 50 people have them, despite there being over 110 million Koreans across the globe today. Though the latest statistics, according to Wikipedia, are from 2015, these are what are considered the 30 rarest Korean surnames in the world.

30. Hak (학)

There were reportedly 35 people with this surname in 2015.

29. Yo (요)

There were reportedly 29 people with this surname in 2015.

28. Chong (총)

There were reportedly 27 people with this surname in 2015.

27. Gyo (교)

There were reportedly 26 people with this surname in 2015.

26. Ae (애)

There were reportedly 24 people with this surname in 2015.

25. Yeong (영)

There were reportedly 24 people with this surname in 2015.

24. Myo (묘)

There were reportedly 21 people with this surname in 2015.

23. Gwan (관)

There were reportedly 20 people with this surname in 2015.

22. Deung (등)

There were reportedly 20 people with this surname in 2015.

21. Noe (뇌)

There were reportedly 19 people with this surname in 2015.

20. Ryeo (려)

There were reportedly 19 people with this surname in 2015.

19. Roe (뢰)

There were reportedly 19 people with this surname in 2015.

18. Jeung (증)

There were reportedly 18 people with this surname in 2015.

17. Dok (독)

There were reportedly 17 people with this surname in 2015.

16. Mi (미)

There were reportedly 16 people with this surname in 2015.

15. Bo (보)

There were reportedly 16 people with this surname in 2015.

14. Bi (비)

There were reportedly 16 people with this surname in 2015.

13. Mu (무)

There were reportedly 15 people with this surname in 2015.

12. Ran (란)

There were reportedly 10 people with this surname in 2015.

11. San (산)

There were reportedly 9 people with this surname in 2015.

10. Nan (난)

There were reportedly 8 people with this surname in 2015.

9. Mangjeol (망절)

There were reportedly 8 people with this surname in 2015.

8. Eogeum (어금)

There were reportedly 8 people with this surname in 2015.

7. Da (다)

There were reportedly 7 people with this surname in 2015.

6. Mubon (무본)

There were reportedly 6 people with this surname in 2015.

5. Beon (번)

There were reportedly 6 people with this surname in 2015.

4. Wan (완)

There were reportedly 6 people with this surname in 2015.

3. Deungjeong (등정)

There were reportedly 5 people with this surname in 2015.

2. Tang (탕)

There were reportedly 5 people with this surname in 2015.

1. Hwangmok (황목)

There were reportedly 5 people with this surname in 2015.


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