3rd Gen Girl Group’s Fans Demand Answers As Signs Point To Disbandment

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While a K-Pop group’s disbanding can be a sad occasion, fans are usually at least grateful that an official notice is given. However, for many idols under smaller companies, fans are left wondering about the status of their faves as their labels opt to “quietly” disband groups.

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Others have their activities reduced without reason as members remain out of the spotlight, like in the case of ALICE.


ALICE debuted in June 2017 as Elris under Hunus Entertainment.

IMG_5994ALICE as ELRIS | Hunus Entertainment

The group were more active under this company, adding two new members at the beginning of 2020. However, for most of 2020 and all of 2021, the group remained on hiatus, with it being announced that they would be transferred to IOK Company.

The group then rebranded to their current name, releasing their first digital single as ALICE on May 4, 2022, and another in October.

Their next single album was released in April 2023 and came with an announcement stating that Do-A and Yeonje would be temporarily halting their activities due to health issues.

IMG_5995ALICE’s Yeonje and Do-A | Instagram

The group has not returned since, and their activities as a group have been scarce. For example, the group has only posted three videos on YouTube since June 2023, all being announcements for holidays or Bubble.

IMG_5992| ALICE/YouTube

Fans also wish for an update about Do-A and Yeonje, as the former’s birthday (February 2) was not acknowledged on social media, and nothing more has been said about the two members. After nearly a year, Yeonje only recently returned to posting on her personal Instagram.

The active members are also more active on their personal accounts than the group account.


In the case of many other groups of “lesser” popularity or those under newer companies, these types of issues are usually indications that they are heading toward disbandment. Fans have begun asking the company for answers and directing their concerns for the group towards them.

Hopefully, ALICE will make a comeback soon!


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